So much stuff to do for college its ridiculous.Doing the website at the moment,have 120 pages to change: the paths, tabs, images, correct spelling etc, document title, google analytics, google adsense, maybe a searchbox... and we havnt even got all the pages ready for this yet. Havnt even started putting in the portuguese translations yet. Really annoyed that everyone isnt working at the same pace, if they were we'd b finished by now. So anyway I got the site name, signed up for analytics and adsense and waiting for them to respond.Just really wana get this over and done with coz im sick of worrying about it; and worrying about how much time im NOT spending on my other college work. I definately think that the website should have been worth more marks, maybe 50/60%, i dont see why not like...ive put alot into this site n it might not have been worth any of it!!
Also I have 2 huge assignments for next week, that I havnt really had much time to concentrate on.So its gona b a long wknd.Might have to pull a sicky from work on saturday.
Ive come to realise that I really dont enjoy college anymore.Its just stressful,taking up way too much time,and its probably not gona pay off at the end of the year even!Kinda wish i was doing a 3yr course now not 4!!....The moral of the story is: College sucks...